Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Third Times A Charm! Right?

So here I am, yet again.  Third blog titled "Adversaria"* in the past five years.  The first one I kept the longest, but due to the fact that I alternate between a fear of looking egotistical because I'm writing about myself, with a need for validation from others, I just decided to delete that one and save myself the anxiety.  The second one failed because I was lazy and just stopped posting.  "So why this one?" all you people out there not reading my blog don't ask.  Well, I mainly operate on fear and loathing, and I've begun to fear and loath my Facebook posts.  For one, I feel like I'm reaching critical mass with them, loathing the fact that I post multiple times a day when I should be doing other things.  Two, I fear that in my quest to be funny, I inadvertently offend someone with either a comment or my immaturity (though it's not lost on me that I think about myself way more than others do, so others probably don't even notice I post at all).  And third, I just type A LOT and it's getting hard to fit what I want to say in their 420 character limit.  Oh, and the fact that they don't allow you to edit your posts.  Eff that.

The problem with first posts of blogs is that they are your intro post, and you just explain why you are starting your blog, and then you kind of leave it at that.  I find that kind of boring and I want to talk about something else, but I can't figure out how to segue into another topic. 

So, for now, I'll just leave it at that.

*Adversaria is just a fancy way of saying "journal".  Yay for online thesauri!


  1. I love it when you blog! Fear and loathe away.

  2. Thanks, P! We'll see how it goes!

  3. Looking forward to your astute wittiness! Miss you!

  4. Annie!! Yay! Miss you too!! Thanks for posting on here, my friend! And we have July off, so let's get together!
